Friday, March 28, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter fun

This was a wonderful Easter! I realized I do not take nearly enough pictures of my kids just being kids. I always take potraits, but not pictures of them just playing. I have been trying to work on that. So on Easter I decided to bring the camera! We spent the day at my aunt Lynda's house. My only sister does not have any kids yet, but my cousins have plenty! My aunt has 8 grandkids so far so my kids got to play with their second cousins all day. They had a blast. I was a little sad though. I grew up with all of them and my dad was the one who was always running around with a camera. He took pictures of me and my cousins in this same yard and now I am taking pictures of my kids and my cousins kids. Now he is gone and I have the camera. It just made me really miss him and I would give anything to have him here with us.

So anyways, here are some pictures. When I took these I was just trying to capture the moment. After I pulled them from my camera and looked at them I actually remember what it felt like to be that young. It all came rushing back. I remembered things I hadnt thought of in years and years.

I remember how it felt to jump and to feel like I was going so high!

I remember how it felt for a big person to throw you up in the air and how it felt to really fly
I remember how far I could see when I climbed a tree
and then I think about the things my little girl is missing. She is missing her Papa. She will never know him, but sometimes she can play with someone elses grandpa for the day :)
What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it.