Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Kai graduated Kindergarten today. I admit, I cried a little. He looked so grown up! He got a hair cut yesterday too :) He is so handsome!
The graduation was a little annoying. We got there early and found a seat next to the middle isle about half way down. As soon as it started about 6 parents walked right up to the front of the isle blocking everyone elses view. At first I thought they would just snap a quick picture of their kid and go sit back down. Nope, these parents just stood there! After about 5 minutes I had to say something. I wasnt the only one annoyed because at the exact same time I started to say something another parent stood up to say something. All of them sat down except one. She ignored everyone and continued to stand directly in my view of Kai. I was so annoyed! Some people have no manners. I with the principal or someone would have asked them to sit.

Before school :)

walking across to get his diploma

looks like he is so proud of his diploma. Truth is, there was a sucker attached to the diploma lol

with his wonderful teacher Ms Wise

goofy boys! Sadly, this was Matt's idea

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What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it.