Sunday, October 26, 2008


We took a little trip to the Pumpkin Patch today and got some pumpkins. It was a little warm and dusty there so we did not stay long. We had fun and the kids got to ride a little tractor pulled train. That was their favorite part. We are not very good at Halloween traditions and this is the first time all of us have been there together. I took Kai once when he was 16 months old, but that was the only time he has ever been. Lena has never been there. We are such slackers! I am glad we were able to make it today :)

She looks like a 2 headed girl!

carving the pumpkins

Lena was totally grossed out when she saw what was inside. Sadly, this is her first pumpkin to ever see!

Acting goofy!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Kai's school picnic

Kai's elementary school had a picnic tonight. We went and had alot of fun!

Eating our sandwiches

Stinky Bear watching the basket

and playing on the playground after the picnic

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fun at the driving range

Well it was fun for a few minutes! Lena kinda had a hard time and lost her patience. I told Matt the driving range wasnt really a place for a 3 year old, but he never listens. Kai was trying to help her and stood right behind her when she swung at a ball. Bad idea. He got smacked in the forehead and has a nice bump now.

What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it.